[Turbine Wiki] Update of "FrontPage" by GeorgKallidis
Apache Wiki
2016-10-05 08:20:29 UTC
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The "FrontPage" page has been changed by GeorgKallidis:

== Documentation ==

+ === Current ===
To learn more about any of the projects below, please click on the appropriate link:
* '''[[Turbine4]] - Version 4 of the Turbine project. This is the version of Turbine that is being actively developed.'''
* [[Turbine2]] - Version 2 of the Turbine project. The latest release version of this branch is 2.3.3. The release version has proved to have production quality
+ * [[Fulcrum]] - Fulcrum is a services framework. Fulcrum was developed as part of the Turbine Framework. The intent behind Fulcrum is to allow Turbine's services to be used outside of the Turbine framework. This is still a "work in progress" and is not ready for use yet.
+ * * [[https://blogs.apache.org/turbine/entry/maven_archetypes_for_apache_turbine|Turbine Archetpye Blog]] - Turbine Archetypes exist for Version 4.0M1 and 2.3.3 [[TurbineWebApp]]
+ === Future ===
+ * '''[[Turbine5]] - Version 5 of the Turbine project. This is the prospective version of Turbine, major developments have to be discussed.'''
+ === History ===
* [[Turbine3]] - Version 3 of the Turbine project. Development of version 3 has halted - it was an experimental version, the best bits of which have now been ported back to version 2.
- * [[Fulcrum]] - Fulcrum is a services framework. Fulcrum was developed as part of the Turbine Framework. The intent behind Fulcrum is to allow Turbine's services to be used outside of the Turbine framework. This is still a "work in progress" and is not ready for use yet.
- * [[TDK]] - The Turbine Development Kit (TDK) is a package that bundles a copy of Turbine, Tomcat, jar files, documentation and other utilities in order to help you get started with Turbine as quickly as possible. The installation steps outlined below should have you up and running quickly. The TDK is no longer being developed - you should instead use [[META]].
+ * [[TDK]] - The Turbine Development Kit (TDK) is a package that bundles a copy of Turbine, Tomcat, jar files, documentation and other utilities in order to help you get started with Turbine as quickly as possible. The installation steps outlined below should have you up and running quickly. The [[http://turbine.apache.org/tdk/|TDK]] is no longer being developed - you should instead use [[META]].
- * [[META]] - The Maven Environment for Turbine Application (M.E.T.A.) helps you to write Turbine applications.
+ * [[META]] - The Maven Environment for Turbine Application (M.E.T.A.) helps you to write Turbine applications. You should now checkout the Archetpye [[TurbineArcheTypeWebApp]].

- Torque is no longer part of Turbine - it now lives in Apache DB.

- * [[http://wiki.apache.org/db-torque/FrontPage|Torque]] - Torque is a persistence layer which generates all the database resources required by your application and includes a runtime environment to run the generated classes. Torque was developed as part of the Turbine Framework. It is now decoupled and can be used by itself.
+ * [[http://wiki.apache.org/db-torque/FrontPage|Torque Wiki]] - Torque is a persistence layer which generates all the database resources required by your application and includes a runtime environment to run the generated classes. Torque was developed as part of the Turbine Framework. It is now decoupled and can be used by itself. Torque started life as a Turbine sub-project, but is no longer part of Turbine - it now lives in [[https://db.apache.org/torque/torque-4.0/index.html|Apache DB]].

- JCS is no longer a sub-project of Turbine - it is now a direct sub-project of Apache Commons.
+ * JCS is a distributed caching system written in java for server-side java applications. It came into the ASF as a Turbine sub-project. JCS is no longer a sub-project of Turbine - it is now a direct sub-project of Apache Commons [[http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-jcs/|JCS]].

- * JCS - JCS is a distributed caching system written in java for server-side java applications.
+ * [[http://turbine.apache.org/stratum/|Stratum ]] another retired sub-project.
+ * [[https://maven.apache.org/|Maven]] started life as a Turbine sub-project.

== TLP Proposal ==

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== Organizational ==

+ * [[BoardReports]]
* [[SubProjectReports]] - this was back when Turbine was part of Apache Jakarta.
- * [[BoardReports]]
* [[ApacheCon07EU]] - who is going, thoughts on what might be achieved.

@@ -49, +62 @@

You might also want to visit the [[http://turbine.apache.org|Turbine]] websites for the various projects for more information.

- Turbine has some retired sub-projects
- * Stratum - http://turbine.apache.org/stratum/
- * TDK - http://turbine.apache.org/tdk/
- Torque started life as a Turbine sub-project.
- * [[http://wiki.apache.org/db-torque/FrontPage|Torque]] - http://db.apache.org/torque/
- JCS came into the ASF as a Turbine sub-project.
- * JCS - commons.apache.org/jcs/
- Maven started life as a Turbine sub-project.

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